Monday, December 13, 2010

Performing our Classroom Play

       Here are some photos of the children performing our classroom play of the Bremen Town Musicians.  We put it on last Friday, Dec.10th.  Many thanks to the parents who were able to attend.  We had fun with it, but it was a lot of work.  Didn't they do a great job?  The photos are posted from the end of the play to the beginning. Oops!  If they do not appear directly below the post, click to the right where it says: Blog Archive, or below where it says: Older Posts.  Please leave us a comment.  I'm going to try to load a video of the play, too.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

My Yellow Room by Emma S.

My Yellow Room

   I was at my Mamie's house. Paytra, my little sister was with me. There is a room that is painted yellow. It has toys and dress up clothes. We get to go in there and play.
   One day close to Halloween, we played house. I was the Mom and Paytra was dressed up like a black cat.
   After two hours, we wanted a snack. Mamie gave us grapes. I am happy to be in the yellow room.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

The Aquarium by Avery

The  Aquarium  by  Avery

     I  went  to  a  really  big  aquarium  with  my  Mom  and  my  cousin, Evan.  I  saw  things  like  sharks,  and  black, yellow, and  white  fish.  I  saw  red  lobsters, too. 
     The  sharks  looked  like  they  were  flying  over  people's  heads.  You  can  hold  a  sand cleaner  crab.  There  were  gigantic  fish.  
      I  want  to  go back  there,  and  I  hope  I  will.  I  was  so  excited  to  be  there.  

Canobie Lake Park by Wylie

Canobie Lake  Park  by Wylie

     I  got  there  in  a  car.  I  went  with  Hattie, Mom, and Emma.  Canobie  Lake  is  a  water  park  with  lots  of  rides.    I  went  on  lots  of  rides.
     I  went  on the  bumper  cars.  My  Mom  went  on  the  upside  down  rollercoaster.  She  screamed  loud!  I  went  on  the  teacups.  I  went  on  the  Boston Tea  Party.  My  favorite  ride  was  the  water  slide.  
     I  felt  excited  at  Canobie  Lake  Park.  I  wish  I  could  go  there  again.  

Riding My Bike by Jimmy

Riding  My  Bike

     I  get  to  go  see  my  cousins  in  Connecticut.  My  cousins'  names  are  Ashlie, Allysa,  and  Justin.  I  bring  my  bike  to  ride  it.  
     I  ride  my  bike  at  my  Grampy's  house.  We  do  wheelies.  We  go  around  in  circles.  We  do  tricks.  We  make  skid marks.  We  ride  until  dark.  Then  I  sleep  over.
     The  next  day,  I  ride  my  bike  for  a couple  of  minutes  in  the  morning.  Then  I  leave.  When I  get  home,  I  take  a  rest.  The  next  day,  I  take  my  bike  out   and  ride  some  more.  It  is  fun.
I  love  riding  my  bikes  and  going  to  see  my  cousins.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Homosassa, Florida by Owen

Homosassa,  Florida

     I  went  to  Florida,  and  went  to  a  place  called  Homosassa.  It  has  a  zoo  with  animals  from  everywhere.  I  was  excited  to  be  there.
     At  Homosassa,  I  saw  lots  of  animals.  I  saw  hippos,  a  zebra,  and  a flying  squirrel.  I  even  saw  a  lion  that  was  trained  to  not  growl  at  the  handler.  I  was  with  my  Nana, my  Papa,  my  Mom  and  my  two  sisters.
     At  the  end  of  the  day,  we  played,  watched  TV,  and  went  to  bed.  It  was  a  fun  day!

My Soccer Game by Josiah

My  Soccer  Game

     My  name  is  Josiah.  I  play  soccer  on  Tuesdays  and  Thursdays.  Before  we  play,  we  jog  around  the  field.  We  have  a  lot  of  fun  and  exercise.
     I  am  on  a  team  with  Wylie,  Emma A.,  Zander,  and  Brady.  At  one  game,  we  got  four  goals.  The  other  team  got  two  goals.  Then  we  got  two  more  goals.  We  won!  We  were  excited  that  we  won.
     Now   soccer  is  over,  and  fall  is  over,  too.  I  want  to  play  again  next  year.

Gram's House by Isis

Gram's  House  by  Isis

     Today  I  am  going  to  my  Gram's  house.  My  mom  drops  me  off.  It  takes  a  short  time.

     After  my  mom  drops  me  off,  I  go  see  my  Gram.  Then  I  go  play  in  the  sand.  Then  I  have  an  ice cream,  and  I  go  back  outside  to  see  the  cows.

     Then  my  mom  comes  and  picks  me  up.  That  was  fun.  I  felt  so  happy  to  be  at  my  Gram's  house.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Halloween With My Cousins by Emma A.

Halloween  With  My  Cousins

     My  Mom  said,  "Get  in  the  car,  so  we  can  go."  We  got  in  the  car  and  I  fell  asleep.  My  Mom  and  Dad  and brother  and  sister  were  with  me.  When  we  got  there,  my  Mom  woke  me  up.  My  cousins  and  I  played  a  game  in  the  dark.  Then  we  went  to  bed.
     The  next  day  it  was  the  day  to  go  trick-or-treating.  I  love  to  trick-or-treat.  My  brother  and  sister  do,  too!  My  costume  was  of  a  cheerleader.  It  was  pink  and  white.  My  favorite  kinds  of  candy  are  Tootsie  Rolls  and  Three  Musketeers bars.
     I  feel  so  happy  that  I  get  to  go  trick-or-treating  with  my  cousins,  because  I  love  them.  Being  with  them  makes  Halloween  even  more  fun.

My Birthday Party by Joey

My  Birthday Party

     It  was  my  birthday!  In  the  beginning  of  the  party,  we  went  bowling.  Ella,  Brady,  Wylie,  Isis,  Emma  A.  and  I  went  bowling.  Emma  A.  gave  me  a  thing  that  can  make  gigantic  bubbles!  It's  awesome!  She  also  gave  me  a  lollipop  that  had  rings  on  it.  
     Then  Brady  slept  over  at  my  house.  He  liked  it  at  my  house.  Then  we  made  pizza.  Brady  and  I  made  it.  We  almost  tricked  my  Dad  by  putting  the  pizza  in  a  Rick  and  Diane's  box.  Then  Brady  and  I  ate  too  much  pizza  and  got  sick.  It  was  still  fun. 
     Then  it  was  bedtime.  Brady  did  not  want  to  watch  TV.  He  wanted  to  read.  He  read  Little  Hamster.  I  read  Diary  of  a  Wimpy  Kid.  We  stayed  up  late.  It  wasn't  a  school  night.  It  was  a  fun  night.     

The Ocean by Ella

The  Ocean  by  Ella
     My  family  and  I  go  to  the  ocean.  We  go  with  my  Mom's  friends, too.  We  have  to  drive  a  long  way.  When  we  get  there,  we  put  down  our  blankets  and  towels  on  the  sand.  
     First  we  build  sand  castles.  The  sand  castles  do  not  stay  there  because  the  waves  take them  away.  We  go  in  the  water.  My  sisters  and  I  love  the  ocean.  We  jump  in  the  waves.  It  is  fun!
     At  the  end  of  the  day,  we  have  to  drive  home.  We  are  tired,  but  I  am  always  excited  to  go  to  the  ocean.  

The Zoo by Marshall

The Zoo

        I   went  to  the  zoo  in  Texas.  My  Mom  and  my  Dad  and  my  brothers  all  came  too.   It  was  fun!  I  love  going  to  the  zoo,  because  I  like  animals.
        I  got  to  see  a  penguin  and  a  giraffe.  The  giraffe  has  a  long  neck.  It  was  cool.  I  wish  I  was  a  giraffe.  
        I  was  so  excited  to  go  to  the  zoo.  It  was  awesome!  I  wish  I  could  go  again.

Our Latest Writing Focus: October 22nd

Dear Families and Friends,

The children have been working on writing a personal narrative.  They were asked to think of a place or an event that they enjoyed.  The piece needed to stay on topic and have details.  The story had to be true to their life, and have a beginning, middle and end.  One other trait of a personal narrative was that the children had to show their feelings.  The process that we used included a planning sheet, a rough draft, an edited draft, and then a final copy.  We hope you enjoy reading these stories.  A picture for each piece will be added soon.  Please leave a comment.  We really worked hard!

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Our Sense of Place Poems!!

Dear Families,

Thanks so much for coming to Open House.  It was wonderful to meet each of you, and to see your children so eager to show you their work.
I hope you have been able to access the blog site for our class.  Each child's poem  has now been posted.  The  assignment  was to create a poem about a special place which could be real or imagined.  The children focused on using repetition and rhythm. Having the poem rhyme was not required, though many of the children were able to come up with a few rhyming lines.  The children used their senses to think of  descriptive phrases.  We hope you enjoy reading them all.   Again, the blog site address is:


Please  leave  your  child  a  comment, and  share  the  site  with  other  extended  family  members  far  and  wide.  The  children  love  an  audience.

Out My Bedroom Window by Emma A.

I  see  the  sun,
And  the  birds,
And  the  trees, too.
I  hear  birds  chirping,
And  people  talking,
And  TV  and  music, too.
I  feel  the  hot  sun,
And  the  soft  breeze.
I  smell  the  clean  air,
And  my  perfume,  too.
Looking  out  my  bedroom  window
Is  the  place  I  want  to  be.

Pierce Lake by Wylie

I  love  the  lake.
I  love  it!
The  water  is  blue.
It's  for  you.
I  want  to  swim  in  it.
It  is  warm.
It  is  fun!
The  fish  are  faster
Than  the  sun. 

Camping in the White Mountains by Marshall

I  can  see  bright  blue  sky,
White  fluffy  clouds,
Tall green trees,
Our  red  tent,
And mountains  far  away.

I  can  hear  birds  peeping,
Waterfalls  splashing,
The wind  blowing.
The White  Mountains,
A  place  I  love  to  go!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Camping in Maine by Isis

I  see  green  trees.
I  see  white  clouds.
I  hear  birds  chirping.
I  hear  people  laughing.
I  see red  tents.
I  see  the  playground.
I  feel  my  soft  blankets.
I  smell  bacon  and  eggs 
Cooking  over  the fire.
Camping  in  Maine  is  fun. 

Peach's Castle by Joey

MARIO, MARIO!  The fireworks cracking,
Peach saying MARIO, MARIO, 
Help! Help! Help!
Jr. Bowser trying to get MARIO,
MARIO saying, but you can't get me!
Peach crying at the top of her lungs,
Help! Help! Help!

Peak's Island by Emma S.

First  you  have  to  go  to  Maine.
Then   you  have  to  talk  to  a  lady.
Then  you  have  to  buy  a  ticket.
Then  you  have  to  get  on  a  boat.
Then  you  see  the  blue, blue  ocean  all  around.
Then  you see the  tall, tall  hotels.
Then  you  take  a short, short  walk to  the  beach.
Then  you  feel  the  hot, hot  sand.
Then   you  feel  the  cold, cold  water.
Then  your  lips  turn  blue, blue,
But,  I  love  to  go  to  Peak's  Island.
It's  the  place  I  love  the  best!

Monday, September 27, 2010

My Bedroom by Ella

I see my purple bed,
I see my sister's pink bed,
I smell my fresh clean pillow,
I feel my soft smooth blanket,
I hear my little sister yelling,
Still, the place I like to be
That's just right for me
Is on my purple bed.

Mario Kart by Owen

White fluffy clouds,
Above the mountains,
Cars racing,
Zoom, zoom, zoom!
King Boo in 1st place,
Mario in 2nd place,
Rocks falling down the hill,
Boom, boom, boom!
It's the last lap!
Lap, lap, lap,lap!!!

My House by Gabriel

My blue house,
My Mom's red truck,
My black cat,
My parents,
My bed,
The road in the front,
My brown and golden dogs,
Soft to pet,
My blue house,
The place I want to be.

Peach's Castle of Mario World by Josiah

Indigo cerulean merulean blue glue,
Blue green glue seen sky,
I see orange,red,black bricks,
chocolate brown door,
Red Mario pink peach,
Red Spiky orange green,
Bowser and Jr. Bowser,
Big dangerous,
Sharp Bowser castle,
White happy clouds,
Loud Bowser Roar!
Luigi's sad cry,
Toad's sad cry,
Mario World,
Peach's Castle, 
The place I want to go.

The Hill by Nisse

The place I want to go,
Green fluffy trees,
White big fish,
Birds chirping,
Breezes blowing,
Splash! Splash!
Big Boulders.

South Carolina by Avery

I love South Carolina!
Seagulls flying all around,
Tall buildings,
Parking building, too,
Lots of cars,
Seagulls squawking,
Waves splashing,
Kids yelling, kids laughing,
Hot sun shining, 
Tip-toe, Tip-toe
On the sand,
Here I go
Running to the water,
Jumping in!
Yeah! Yeah!Yeah!

The Ocean by Jimmy

Big  Sharks,
Blue Fish,
I love the ocean!
The fish are fast.
The waves are  blue.
The  sand  is  hotter
Than  my  shoes.
I  love  the  ocean,
And so  do  you!                

Monday, September 20, 2010

News for Sept.17,2010

Dear Families,

This week has gone by in a flash.  Here are some highlights.

In our literacy block, the question of the week was:  What can we learn by exploring space?  We read non-fiction stories about the lives of astronauts, and about some of the planets.  We also learned a cool song.  During our writing time, we have been working on a rough draft of a poem about a real or imagined place.  The children have first drawn and colored a picture about their special place, and we have brainstormed words to describe this place.  Now, we are working on finding rhythm, repetition, or rhyme using these words.  The goal is to have a finished poem for each child by next Friday.  Then, I will try to get them posted to our blogsite with their drawings. ( Heh, parents, this could be a job for you!!!)  Please let me know if you're interested in helping out on the blog.  You could come into the classroom to use my computer or work from home.

In math, we finished Topic 1 which was a unit on addition and subtraction using the model of a part/part whole mat.  Scores on that test are attached.  Please feel free to see me if you have questions.

Have a great weekend.  Thanks so much if you have visited the site, and thanks, especially if you have left a comment.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

News: Week of Sept. 6, 2010

Hello Families,

Thanks for sending in all of the paperwork, and for providing support on the first week with homework.  It will take some time to set routines for everyone, so I appreciate your efforts in assuring that your child completes and turns in his/her homework by every Friday.

In our literacy lessons, we have started our first unit in the new reading program.  Our main theme is exploration for the next five weeks.  Each week we focus on a related question.  This week our question was:  What can we learn by exploring different communities?  We read stories, and sang songs to compare urban and rural communities.  In writing, we are beginning to write about a special place, real or imagined.  The children are also writing letters to me each week about the book they are reading for free choice.  During reading group time, the children have begun learning the routine of independent and group work at centers.  They seemed to enjoy the listening center with a CD player and four headsets.  The other center focused on spelling practice using magnetic letters, dry erase slates, and word sorts.

In math, we began a unit on addition and subtraction, and completed a cumulative first grade math test  to determine which areas need reinforcement and reteaching.  We also are working on increasing instant recall of basic facts with a program called Rocket Math.

Enjoy your weekend.  If you have time to visit this blogsite, please leave a comment.  Thanks so much.


Thursday, May 20, 2010

End of May

Dear Families,

Our field trip to the Peterborough Historical Society was fun and interesting.  I hope you've had time to look at the old Antrim town maps to see where all of the schoolhouses were once located.  The children were amazed to discover that  some of them were near where they live presently.  Perhaps some of the old foundations are still standing. I wish to express my thanks to those parents that were able to come on the trip. All of you were a big help. Speaking of field trips, I'm still waiting to get permission slips from about 12 students for the trip to the seacoast on June 4th.  Please get those in next week.

We have been sharing the data from the school day interviews, and graphing the results.  We will be finished next week, and will be presenting the conclusions at next Friday assembly.  We were going to lead the assembly this Friday, but a change in the schedule has occurred.  Instead, we will be going over to the Great Brook gym for their spring concert on this Friday, the 21st.  We should be leading assembly on the 28th.  That assembly will also recognize our wonderful volunteers.

We have finished our unit in math on graphing and probability, and have begun the next unit.  It is on numbers and patterns up to 1,000. Please take a look at the math papers coming home in the Friday folder.  The papers will give you an idea of the concepts presented.  Homework for next week will reinforce this new unit, as well as, review previous units.   There will be no spelling portion for homework.  We will not have a spelling test next Friday, either.

News for next week:  NWEA Testing

For three mornings the children will be taking the spring NWEA tests.  They will be tested in language use, reading, and math.  Our scheduled times are between 9:00 AM until noon on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.  The class will be divided into two groups in order to have access to a computer in the lab. The time allotted for each testing session is 90 minutes.  The scores from these tests are used to measure progress from the beginning of the year, and also, to help us with placement decisions for third grade.  Your support is greatly appreciated in assuring that your child gets a good breakfast, ample rest, and comes to school with a snack.  I thank you in advance.

Upon finishing the NWEA testing, we will have a celebration on Friday, the 28th.   We will be having a pizza party with a pizza demonstration by Ric of " Ric and Diane's Pizza."   I will take a count of how many children want pizza, and will provide enough to feed those that want pizza for lunch that day.  If your child would rather have school lunch that day, or bring their own, that is fine.  We will still all eat in the classroom, watch a short movie, and have extra recess.   

Have a great weekend.  The weather is predicted to be warm and sunny.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Old Schoolhouse Interviews : Upcoming Field Trips

Hello Families,

The month of May is upon us, and we have been busier than ever.  First, I want to remind you that our next field trip is next Wednesday, May 12th.  We will be going to the Peterborough  Historical Society to visit their reconstructed one room schoolhouse.  A school bus will be our transportation.  We will be leaving around 9:10 AM, and returning between noon and 12:30.  If you have volunteered to chaperone for this trip, I will be phoning you to explain how the children will be grouped and what the activities will be.  I thank you in advance for your cooperation.  I also appreciate your help with the interviews.  Some of the children have already turned them on, and we will begin sharing them next Monday.  Please let me know if this project is a hardship.  I could arrange for your child to interview an adult at school.  The due date for the interview is Friday, May 14th.  We will be presenting some of the data at Friday morning assembly on the 21st of May.

Our last field trip of the year will be on Friday, June 4th.  Information about this trip to the NH seacoast and a permission slip are enclosed with this newsletter.  Please return the slip as soon as possible.  A few parents have already arranged to come as chaperones, but more are needed.  This is a joint trip with the first graders, and we will be taking two school buses.  If you would like to drive your own vehicle,  and transport your own child, please indicate that on the permission slip. 

Here is a bit of news about our classroom work. In math, we are finishing two units on measurement.  The children learned about different units of measurement for length, weight, and capacity.  It was a broad overview which included the metric system.  This week, we have extended the concept of measurement to telling time, and using a calendar.  I appreciate your support with the math homework, especially this week with the time packet.  We will continue to review these measurement concepts, and I encourage you to involve your child in practical uses to reinforce and improve these skills.  Our next unit in math will be on graphing and probability.

In literacy, we have been enjoying a chapter book called: " The Year of Miss Agnes".  It is a story about a one room schoolhouse set in a remote village in Alaska in the 1940's.  I brought in an old school chair ( from my grandmother's house).  The children have been taking turns sitting in it during read aloud.  I think it dates back to the 1920's or 30's. In our reading groups, we have been focusing on identifying the main idea and the conclusion.  We are also practicing passages to improve fluency and expression. 

Lastly, I hope you have seen our bulletin board in the hallway.  It showcases the children's ABC pages on the Arctic, the Iditarod, and Alaska.  I will try to get them photographed, and put them on our blog.  They are fabulous. 

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Check Those Positions 3/19/2010

Dear Parents and Families,

Each day we have checked the location and position of our chosen mushers.  Almost all of them had finished the race by today.  Here they are in the order in which they finished the race. 

Musher's  Name:     Position     Student's Names

Lance Mackey        1st            Andrew and Corey
Hans Gatt                2nd          Ryan and Isiah
Jeff King                  3rd           Rohyn and Aria
Ramey Smyth          6th            Haiden and Jacob
Dallas Seavey          8th            Haley and Izabella
Mitch Seavey          10th          Molly and Rosel
Martin Buser           14th          Lillian and Jason
Jessie Royer            15th          Nadia and Ashley
Ailey Zirkle              16th         Mrs. Bluhm and Mrs. Taylor
Paul Gephardt         19th          Sean and Angus
Dee Dee Jonrowe    22nd        Gabriella and Katy
Cim Smyth               23rd         Nolan and Petra
Jasson Baron           32nd         Nicholas and Autumn
Quinn Iten                                Ed and Hayley

The race began with over 70 mushers.  Thus far, 10 of them have dropped out for various reasons.  The students were impressed that the ones we chose to follow were in the top half of those that stayed in the race.  Our last musher, Quinn Iten, is a rookie which means this is his first time to race in the Iditarod.  He is only 18 years old.  We are all cheering for him to finish by tomorrow.  Ask about him.  Next week, we will go back to our read aloud time with a chapter book set in Alaska with a story about the Iditarod.  The book is called Black Star, Bright Dawn.  Stay tuned for more.


We will be organizing and filling our portfolios next week.  Your child will bring them home on Friday.  This time I will not be sending home workbooks that we are currently using.  Any workbook that is completed may be kept at home.  All artwork and projects about the Arctic, the Iditarod, and China may be kept at home.  Any work samples from Mrs. Colby or Mrs. Sutton may be kept as well.  Spelling and Math folders will contain weekly and unit tests for your perusal.  Please return both of these folders with all the math and spelling tests.  A science folder will also be sent home.  You may take all of the papers out of this folder, but we need the folder back at school.  The big portfolio itself should also be returned.  At the end of the school year, you may keep the big portfolios, all folders and tests.  

The report card will be in a white envelope inside your child's Friday Take-Home folder.   If you feel the need for a conference, please call or send in a note requesting one.  I am available to meet with you from 8:30 - 9:00 AM, or after school from 3:15 - 3:45 any day of the week.

Thanks again for all of your support. 

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Go Dogs Go!

Hello Families and friends,

The children are excited about the Iditarod which starts this Saturday morning.  If you start checking the website late Saturday afternoon and through Sunday, you can find out how your child's musher is doing.  The children read about the musher's lives, and have chosen one to follow with a partner from our class.  Your child should be able to tell you the name of his/her musher by Friday.  So if you want to check on their progress in the race, go the Official Site of the Iditarod and click on :View Full Current Standings.  This will tell you the position and the location of each musher.  We have read two stories this week about two famous sled dogs: Togo and Akiak.  Ask your child to tell you what happened with these dogs, and why they are famous.  The children are learning about the rules of the race, the training of the dogs, and the mapping of the trail. We are also learning how life has changed in Alaska over the last 100 years, and about the differences and similarities of our lives as compared to life there.

Thanks for all of your support with their homework in spelling and math.  They are making great progress. 
Also, be sure to check out the photos on our blog site.  The photos are about our study on China in which the children learned how to write Chinese characters and were introduced to Sumi brush painting. 

Thursday, February 18, 2010

China Studies

Hello everyone, We are the second graders at Antrim Elementary School. Our teachers are Mrs. Bluhm and Mrs. Taylor. We are studying about China in our classroom. We are very excited to share what we have been learning during these past two weeks.

Please feel free to stop by our room to see more of our study on China


The Second Graders

Learning about Chinese characters

Learning about Sumi painting

A Chinese dragon