Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Dear Families,

With so many delayed openings and snow days, it has been challenging to stay focused in the classroom.  Still, we have tackled new concepts in math and literacy.  The children are becoming more adept with regrouping in double digit addition and subtraction.  They have been working hard with lots of repetition and practice.  Two step problem solving is the most difficult task, but we will continue to work on it.  Soon, we will start a unit on geometry which will be a big change.  Speaking of change, the theme in our new unit in reading is all about change.  We talked this week about how changes are easier to accept when you have familiar items to help you preserve memories.  We also learned all about the life cycle of a frog.

 Upcoming News:  Valentine's Day and Day 100

On Monday, Feb. 14th, we will celebrate Valentine's Day with a class party in the afternoon from 2:15 until dismissal.  We will excahnge Valentine cards, and have special snacks.  Please see the attached sheet about contributing for party refreshments.  Remember, I have split the class list in half, and we are rotating turns for providing food for the parties.  Whether it is your turn to provide food, you are welcome to attend the party, and to help serve refreshments and clean up.  Just send in a note to let me know who to expect.  Thanks in advance.

Day 100 is also coming up soon, but we will celebrate it on the 14th sometime during the day. Your child will be asked to bring in a collection of 100 items, and to write 3 clues for others to guess the items.  See additional sheet with details on this fun project.  Last but, not least, remember that this Saturday is Winter Fest.  I hope to see you there.

Here is a class list for Valentines.  Please provide a card for one and all.

Emma A.    Emma S.     Isis     Joey     Jimmy      Gabe      Nisse     Wylie     Owen     Avery    Marshall

Ella     Damien