Friday, December 23, 2011


Hello dear friends and families,

We had a great time celebrating our Henry and Mudge reading marathon. The children worked hard to complete all 20 books in the series. Everyone received a certificate, a small prize, and then we had games and activities at our party. Thanks for sending in food and drinks to add to the festivities. The highlight of the event was a personal visit from two Hillsboro police officers and their search and rescue dog, a German Shepard named Fanto. The officers demonstrated Fanto's skills and talents which included following many voice and hand commands, finding a lost object by scent, and showing how he protects officers from attacks. It was amazing.

Our second celebration was our Christmas party which happened the next afternoon. We made a hand painted, glittery ornament, had hot chocolate and real whipped cream, did a Yankee book swap, and played with new legos and games. It was way fun!

Believe it or not, we also completed several math lessons, another unit in our reading program, wrote thank you letters, sang at our holiday assembly, and cleaned the classroom top to bottom.

May you have a merry, merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Hunting and Camping by Devin

When I was down by my pond, I was trying to catch frogs. I was fishing, too. I went for a hike in the woods. I was playing water gun fight. I was hunting for bears, too. I shot one and I ate it for dinner. I went for a canoe journey with my friends. We tried to go down our little stream. I had so much fun! It was the best time ever. Then it was time to go to bed. I stayed outside the whole night!

Camping by Willow

Once I went camping. Some of my friends came with my mom and me. First we played kick ball. Then we played tag. Last we played hide and seek. Then it was time to go to sleep, but first we looked at the stars. Then we all got into our sleeping bags. It was fun! In the morning, we had pancakes with strawberries.

Playing House by M.E.V.

One day I went to a party. It was at a friend's house. It was very, very, very fun! There were lots of kids and parents. The kids played house, police, and ran around. My favorite game was house, because I was the mom. I got to be active. I acted as a mother in the game. I had to do everything. It was fun!

A Fun Time Outside by Chloe

One time I climbed to the top of Pitcher Mountain with my Mom and my brother, Noah. There were blueberry bushes. It was so fun! I saw like five butterflies. When we reached the top, I was so happy! It was the first time that I climbed to the top of a mountain.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Playing Outside by Makenzie

When I was at my cousin's house, me and my sisters and cousins played outside on the trampoline. Then we played tag and climbed trees. We also went to the beach and we had fun!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Dear Families,

Thanks so much for helping with the schoolhouse memory interviews. Most of the children have had a chance to share their responses. Since our field trip to the Peterborough Historical Society where we got to go in a one room schoolhouse, we have begun working on a writing piece to compare certain aspects of the past to present day experiences in schools. I hope to post these writings in the next few weeks.

The children are making progress on the Henry and Mudge reading marathon. Please let me know if you have a well-trained dog, or know of someone that would be willing to bring in their dog for a show and tell on our celebration. It may be another 2 or 3 weeks before we have all finished the marathon, so there is time to plan.

Did you hear about our science lessons? The children have been studying the three types of soil: clay, sand, and humus. They used their observation skills to determine the differences in texture, smell, and color. Ms. Young, our methods student from Keene State College taught these lessons. Then we had an exciting visit from Ms. Sutton, the naturalist from the Harris Center. She brought in earth worms for the children to touch and look at under a magnifying glass. We all learned interesting facts, and that worms help make soil good for growing plants. Next, we will be learning about composting, and will continue to study worms. A field trip is being planned for later this month to visit a composting center. I will provide more details next week.

We have finished our first unit in reading, and took the benchmark test. We will begin Unit 2 next week. We finished our third topic in math. W.I.N. time has also started. Ask your child what he/she is doing during this time. W.I.N. stands for What I Need. It happens once a day for a 30 minute block of time. The children are divided into various groups for certain skills for which extra practice is needed, or for enrichment activities.

Fall is a beautiful time of year. Have a great weekend.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

The Henry and Mudge Reading Marathon

Dear Families,

We are excited to tell you about a reading challenge for both second grade classrooms. It started after we read the story, "Henry and Mudge, and the Starry Night" in our Reading Street text book. In case you don't know, Henry is a boy and Mudge is his big dog. There are many more stories in a series published in small paperback books. The kids really like these stories, so the challenge is to read twenty titles and write at least four sentences about each story. We are calling it a Henry and Mudge Bonanza Marathon. When every child has finished all 20 titles, we are going to have a big celebration with balloons, refreshments, and certificates. To add to the fun, the children will be allowed to bring in their stuffed animal dog toys for the day. I'm also hoping to arrange for someone to bring in a real dog, preferably a puppy. Most of us love dogs, especially Mrs. Bluhm. So we will keep you posted on our progress.

Lastly, we will be going on our field trip to the Peterboro Historical Society this coming Wednesday, Oct. 5th. We will be taking a school bus, leaving school around 9:50, and returning for lunch. Please provide a regular morning snack. We will eat snack before we leave AES.

The children have been learning about how different life was in the early 1800's, and on this trip, they will get to experience a few hours in a one room school house. They will also get to play with toys and games from this era. To complement this unit of study, each child will also be conducting an interview of the oldest person they know or can meet. The questions will focus on the memories of that person's elementary school days. ( Try to find someone at least 70 years old). Of course, you may assist or accompany your child on the interview which can be done over the phone or in person. You may act as scribe if your child requests help. We are hoping to share the results by next Thursday, Oct. 6th. Thanks for your help.

( Back Posted: Originally written on Sept. 30th)

Our First Week of School of 2011

Dear Families,

Here are some of our accomplishments as dictated to me by my students.

We learned about Rocket Math. We had assembly and met all of the new students and teachers.
We did the dance of Jump, Jim, Joe in our classroom. We started to fill up the marble jar. We learned a new action song at assembly to the tune of Dynamite. We went to P.E. and met our new teacher named Coach Druin. We love read aloud! We read the following books: I am the Dog, I am the Cat, Boomer's Big Surprise, and Boomer Goes to School. In our regular math, we learned about using the part-part whole mat to add and subtract. We had health time and music. We take turns using clothes pins with our names on them. We earn bonus marble points for good listening and cooperation. We started our Reading Street unit. Our weekly question is: What can we learn by exploring different communities? We brainstormed topics that we want to learn about. Here is our list: fawns and deers, basketball, science, the internet, computers, technology, mammals, food and cooking, Hollywood, acting and performing, cheetahs, soccer, caterpillars, insects, jaguars, horses and riding, ducks and squirrels.

So, as you can see, we have had a great first week.

Finally, please mark your calendars for Open House on Thursday, Sept. 22nd from 5:15 - 6:15.

Leave us a comment.

(Back posted by Mrs. Bluhm on Oct. 4th, 2011) Originally written on Sept. 2nd, 2011

Friday, April 29, 2011

Field Trip Update

Hello Families,

As a reminder, we have two field trips for second grade as the year end is approaching. Please mark your calendars and let me know soon if you are able to be a chaperone for either trip. Here are the dates and places:

June 3rd, Friday: Colonial Theater, Keene, NH; 9:00 - Noon ( by bus)

June 10th, Friday: Boston Science Museum, 8:00 - 5:00 ( by bus)

Permission slips and more details will follow soon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Baby Sea Turtle's Adventure

Dear Families, Happy Spring! Take a look at this writing and art project completed by Owen. He worked really hard on this book during a small group time when most of the school is involved with the Griffin's Nest activity. His story has five parts: a setting, character introduction, problem, solution, and resolution. Enjoy and please leave us a comment.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Spring is Coming!

Hello Families,

We are finishing our reading unit with the theme of changes.  To complement the unit, we wrote non-fiction stories about the life cycle of plants or animals.  Then the ConVal arts consultants came into the classroom to help us create accordion books with illustrations using the technique of Eric Carle's  collage art.  Here are a few photos of the children showing off their finished books, and soon, the actual book will be coming home in your child's portfolio.  Speaking of portfolios, they will be brought home by your child next Friday, March 25th.  Reports cards will also come home that day.  Set conferences are not being scheduled.  However, feel free to contact me after viewing the portfolio and report card.  If you request a conference, I will arrange to meet with any of you after school from 4:00 - 6:30 PM during a two week time frame starting on March 28th until April 8th.  You may e-mail me at, send in a note, or call school and leave me a message.  You could also leave a comment on the blog site :

Other news:  Upcoming field trips and NHDI  dance performance

First our school will be participating in a week of dance April 4 - 8th.  On Friday, April 8th, we will be performing at the GBS gym at 6:30 PM.  Don't miss this exciting all school performance.

Two end of the year field trips are also scheduled.  On Friday, June 3rd we will be going to the Colonial Theatre in Keene to see the African Children's Choir perform.  This will be a 10:00 AM performance, and we will be taking a school bus.   Then on Friday, June 10th, we will be going to the Boston Science Museum.  We will also be taking a school bus for this trip.  So, mark your calendars.  Permission slips and more information will be sent home as the time approaches.  However, if you are able and wish to commit to coming to both or either of these trips, just let me know.

Enjoy the warmer weather.  We are all looking forward to seeing the ground.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Snow! Snow! Snow!

Dear Families,

With so many delayed openings and snow days, it has been challenging to stay focused in the classroom.  Still, we have tackled new concepts in math and literacy.  The children are becoming more adept with regrouping in double digit addition and subtraction.  They have been working hard with lots of repetition and practice.  Two step problem solving is the most difficult task, but we will continue to work on it.  Soon, we will start a unit on geometry which will be a big change.  Speaking of change, the theme in our new unit in reading is all about change.  We talked this week about how changes are easier to accept when you have familiar items to help you preserve memories.  We also learned all about the life cycle of a frog.

 Upcoming News:  Valentine's Day and Day 100

On Monday, Feb. 14th, we will celebrate Valentine's Day with a class party in the afternoon from 2:15 until dismissal.  We will excahnge Valentine cards, and have special snacks.  Please see the attached sheet about contributing for party refreshments.  Remember, I have split the class list in half, and we are rotating turns for providing food for the parties.  Whether it is your turn to provide food, you are welcome to attend the party, and to help serve refreshments and clean up.  Just send in a note to let me know who to expect.  Thanks in advance.

Day 100 is also coming up soon, but we will celebrate it on the 14th sometime during the day. Your child will be asked to bring in a collection of 100 items, and to write 3 clues for others to guess the items.  See additional sheet with details on this fun project.  Last but, not least, remember that this Saturday is Winter Fest.  I hope to see you there.

Here is a class list for Valentines.  Please provide a card for one and all.

Emma A.    Emma S.     Isis     Joey     Jimmy      Gabe      Nisse     Wylie     Owen     Avery    Marshall

Ella     Damien