Thursday, February 18, 2010

China Studies

Hello everyone, We are the second graders at Antrim Elementary School. Our teachers are Mrs. Bluhm and Mrs. Taylor. We are studying about China in our classroom. We are very excited to share what we have been learning during these past two weeks.

Please feel free to stop by our room to see more of our study on China


The Second Graders

Learning about Chinese characters

Learning about Sumi painting

A Chinese dragon

February Break 2010

Hello Families,

We have been working hard this week in an effort to make up some of the work that we missed on our snow day.  The children took an 8 unit cumulative math test, and a five unit spelling review test.  We have also started a new math topic on subtraction with borrowing.

Sledding and playing in the snow have added drama to our unit on the Arctic.  The recess duty teachers have told me that some of my students have been seen crawling around in the snow pretending to be Arctic foxes and polar bears.  We have begun to talk about the Iditarod, the great sled dog race of Alaska.  If you have access to the internet, go to The Official Site of the Iditarod with your child.  Click on the 2010 Iditarod.  There are lots of short video clips to watch, and go to the musher listing.  Click on a musher's name and you can read a short biography.  Many of the mushers also have a link to their own website.  It's fun to read about their lives and their dogs.  When we return from break, each child will have a partner from our class.  They will be asked to choose a musher to follow during the race.  We will put up a huge map on the bulletin board, and track each musher's progress on a daily basis.  This year's race starts Saturday, March 6th.  The dogs travel about 8 miles an hour.  Thus, the race can last from 8 to 16 days.  Get ready!  Set Go!

Have a wonderful break.  See you back at school in March.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winter News: Feb. 5, 2010

Hello Families,

     With winter upon us, we are ending our literary unit on the study of China.  Beginning next Monday, we will begin our next unit on the Arctic.  We will be learning about the animals, native people, and the natural environment.  Our focus will be mostly on Alaska.  This will lead us into learning about the Iditarod, the great dogsled race that starts in early March.  If you have never followed this race, get ready for some exciting fun.
We will incorporate mapping, math, and literacy skills.
     In math, the children have learned how to regroup ones into tens, and to add in columns.  This is the traditional way of adding of which we are familiar.  I thank you for helping with their homework even when the process was different than the way you were taught.  We will be finishing this topic next week, and should be able to take the unit test by Thursday.  I will be sending home a packet of homework next Monday that includes spelling and math as I did this week.  Please give assistance and check over the accuracy of the work.  This packet of work can be worked on a few pages each night.  It is not due until Friday of each week.
    In science, we are still exploring the three states of matter: solids, liquids, and gases.  We have conducted three experiments.  Ask your child how we discovered that air takes up space.  We also discovered some fast ways to melt ice cubes without using any source of heat besides our own bodies.  Then, we worked in cooperative groups to insulate ice cubes to keep them frozen for as long as possible.  We learned that a combination of cloth, tin foil and modeling clay worked best.  Perhaps, the most rewarding activity was making lemon sherbet. ( See the recipe in this week's papers.)
      Our next classroom party will be to celebrate Valentine's Day, and Chinese New Year.  Our party will be on Friday, Feb. 12 from 2:15 until dismissal.  The rotating refreshment committee has already been contacted, and some people have sent in notice of their contributions.  It looks like we will have some delicious foods.  If your child wishes to hand out Valentine cards, please provide one for each child.  See attached class list for names.
       Have fun at Winterfest tomorrow.  I may see you there!!!