Thursday, January 14, 2010

Chinese Characters and the Week of the Dragon

Hello Families,

Highlights of this week include the following:  reading two Chinese folktales about dragons; writing numbers and our names with Chinese characters; and presenting a play called "The Terrible Dragon".  We also had the pleasure of a having a guest come to our room.  It was Steven, a family friend,  from Jason Lin's house.  Steven showed the children how to write some words and the numerals 1 - 10 with Chinese characters.  Then the children made their own poster of the numerals.  Mr. Cogan has also been involved by showing the children how to write their names in Chinese, and how to paint with a bamboo brush using black ink. The children painted scrolls which are just beautiful.   Keep checking the blogsite for photos of art work and Chinese writing.  I'm also hoping to have photos of the play as well. (Only a portion of the class will be in this play which will be presented at Friday morning assembly.)

Next week, we are completing a math unit, and finishing the Explode the Code phonics workbook.  Thus, we will be taking a test for the both of these.  I also want you to know that all second, third, and fourth graders will be taking a mid-year reading test  on the computer as we did in the early fall.  We will take this test on the 19th, this Tuesday morning.  We will still have spelling homework and our regular weekly spelling test on Friday.  So, with this said, your support in insuring that your child comes with a snack each day, and gets plenty of rest will be very much appreciated. 

Thanks again for all of your involvement in your child's learning.


Thursday, January 7, 2010

Happy New Year: January 2010

Hello Friends and Families,

     We have started the new year off with a unit on China.  As an introduction, we watched a video called Families of China.  It featured the lives of two children, one from a city and the other from the country.  The film showed the daily routines of going to school, homework, play and living in their homes.  We also shared a big book about a Chinese American boy who lives in San Francisco.  We've had lots of discussion, and much interest has been shown.  We've also enjoyed two folktales: "The Master Swordsman"  and  "The Magic Doorway".  We have incorporated mapping skills, and art projects are being planned with Mr. Cogan. 

In math, we have been learning how to add tens and ones using "mental math".  Check out the math papers in your child's folder this Friday.  Ask your child to explain how they got their sums.  The examples shown across the top are helpful illustrations of the steps.  You can also go to and login to your child's student book.  Several of the children have mentioned using the site to try the games and activities. 

In science, our new topic is the study of matter, and its three forms of solids, liquids, and gases.  Our first experiment involved melting 500 ml of snow.  We were amazed to see it melted down to 140 ml of water, and that it took about 4 hours to melt.  We will be doing at least one experiment per week to learn about the changes that can occur with each of these states of matter.

Spelling homework is usually sent home on Monday, and should be returned no later than Friday of that week.  Our weekly test is on Friday.  Please continue to check over your child's homework before it is turned in and provide help if needed.  I appreciate your involvement greatly. 

I am also considering math homework that will be sent home on Fridays, and due back on Mondays.  Check your child's backpack as I may start this practice this week.