Monday, October 26, 2009

Ashlie's Pet Story

My pet is a dog. Its name is Opal. She dances. She runs wicked fast. She is a show dog. She stands up all by herself. She is white with tear stains under her eyes. She sleeps everywhere. My dog is a Chinese Crested Powder Puff. She has fur. It is soft. She is the same size as a big shoe box. She eats dog food in her pink princess bowl. She goes in my club house. She loves me and I love her.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

week of 10/12 - 10/16

Hello Families,

We have been having fun with our Australian unit.  The children have written riddles for different animals.  In art class, they have worked on an enlarged drawing for each riddle.  We learned a song about Australia which we are performing for this Friday morning at assembly.  We are also performing two chants about the tricky spelling words: there and their.  Another chant is about how to spell the word:  they.

Here is some upcoming news.  The whole school will  be celebrating Halloween this year on Friday, October 30th with the annual costume parade.  On this day, the children are allowed to bring their Halloween costume to school so that they can change into their costume after lunch recess.  We are hoping to all leave school by 1:45.  Then we will walk downtown as a parade, and end at the Antrim Village.  We should be back to school by 2:30.   Then each class will have their own party and refreshments. Since we have 3 or 4 parties throughout the year, I have divided the class alphabetically into thirds.  For this party, I will ask for contributions of food, drinks, and paper products from the first third.  Please check for a form in your child's Take-Home folder. I thank you in advance for your contributions.  If you would like to come in that afternoon to help set up, serve, and clean up, send in a note with your child.

Next week, I will be sending home a conference schedule form.  Conferences will be held all day on Tuesday, Nov. 24th, and the following week after school.  If you know that you could arrange to meet with me on that Tuesday during the day from 8:00 - 4:30, please let me know as soon as possible.   I am hoping to see as many of you as possible on that day so that I won't have to stay too late the following week.  Just send in a note to let me know in advance of the schedule form.  Thanks and have a great weekend.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Katy's Pet Story

I had Goldfish two times. I won my fish at a game at Winterfest festival. Unfortunately both are dead. If I touched my fish, which I actually didn’t, it would be wet and smooth. Both times I had fish, I named my fish Goldie. Both my fish were orange. The fish were about the size of the shortest finger on a hand. It ate fish food of course! It rested in its bowl of course! My pet can swim. I would have taught my fish to swim through both doorway openings in the little castle tower. I just enjoy having fish in the bowl.

Gabriella's Pet Story

My pet is a dog. His name is Buddy. He’s light golden. He has white on his tail, chest and belly. He has fur, and it feels soft and fluffy. He’s the same size as a little bear. He eats leftover foods and dog food. He sleeps in my mama’s and papa’s room. He can chase a ball. I would teach him how to jump through a circle. I like to wrestle with him. My mama and papa bought him from a breeder. I am glad he’s my pet.

Nicholas' Pet Story

My pet is a fish. My mom thinks it is a Koi. It eats Goldfish food. His name is Goldie. He sleeps at the side of the bowl. He is orange. He feels cold and wet to touch. He is the size of my pinky finger. He knows how to jump. I would teach it to do a flip. I got it from Winterfest.

Nadia's Pet Story

My pet is a dog. I play with him. I feed him, and wrestle with him. I read with him. His name is Bubby. He is a Golden Retriever. He likes to chase his ball. I love my dog. He is yellow. He is silly.

Nolan's Pet Story

I have a goldfish. He nibbles on your fingers, and he would do tricks like a back flip. Then he would get hungry. Then he would eat. His name is Goldie and his skin color is gold. He is a full grown fish, and he likes to eat just like me. He likes to sleep just like me. He eats fish food. My fish sleeps in a fish castle. He knows how to play dead.

Fabulous Pet Stories!

Dear Families,

Please check our classroom blog for the student stories and illustrations about their pets. It would also be great if you left a comment. To find our blog, type the following into your address window: . I also wish to express my gratitude to Rosel's dad for posting the children's work. Without his time and effort, this task would not have been done. I hope you will take the time to view the blog.

Other news this week is that we have begun a new unit of study on Australia. The children have enjoyed the following stories at read aloud: "Kill to Eat", "Shark", and "Carpet Snake". These stories are from a collection of true stories based on a memoir of a woman who grew up on an island off the east coast of Australia. She was one of seven children, and her stories are quite good. We are learning a song about Australia to perform for next week's Friday assembly. Be sure to come if you can. The assembly is from 9:15 to 9:45, and we will be in the cafeteria. Enjoy the three day weekend, and many thanks for all your support and involvement.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Corey's Pet Story

My pets are 7 fish. There are 2 light-up fish, 1 cat fish, and 5 normal fish. I will feed the fish. Five fish have blue and red stripes. The cat fish is white. The 2 light-up fish are white and orange. The cat fish stays on the bottom of the fish tank. I got my fish at the pet store. Their names are Luke, Darth Vader, Ed, Nick, Nolan and Andrew.

Lillian's Pet Story

My pet is a cat. Her name is Mittens. She looks like she has mittens on her feet, and she is crazy. I put my hair in her face, and she plays with it. She is black and white. She is really furry. My pet is about the same size as a kitten. She always sleeps with me. I feed her wet food and dry cat food. She is 3 years old and she plays at the window. I love her. She can jump ten times. I would teach her to swim. I like to lay down with her. My mom got my pet. I love my pet.

Haiden's Pet Story

My pet is a bunny. I feed my pet bunny food. I would brush my bunny’s hair. My bunny is black with a white nose. My bunny has fur. My bunny’s fur feels like fluff. My bunny is as tall as a stool. My bunny sleeps on the dark side of his cage. My bunny can do a bunny dance. I would teach it not to scratch. My pet’s name is Darkness. I like to sit down and hold him. Someone gave it to me.

Petra's Pet Story

My pet is a cat. His name is Tigger. I feed him cat food. He eats birds and things. He sleeps with me, and I don’t like it though. My cat is orange with white, yellow and brown stripes. He has a pink nose. He also is fluffy. He drools when he’s happy. My pet is about the size of watermelon. He is as tall as the chairs. He has fur. My cat can scratch, bite, and hunt. I would teach it how to jump up into someone’s hand. I like to give him treats. When I was a baby, my mom got him from her friend. I love my cat.

Jacob's Pet Story

I have a cat and his name is Lex. He has black fur and a long tail. My pet has fur and it feels soft to touch. My pet is about the size of a piece of paper. He eats cat food. He sleeps anywhere. He knows how to play. He knows how to jump. I would teach him magic. I would play with him. He was born by a mother cat.

Autumn's Pet Story

I used to have two dogs. One's names was Titan, but I called him Bubbie. My other dog’s name was Maya. Maya was brown and Bubbie was white. When I touched Bubbie, his fur was soft and so was Maya’s. Maya and Bubbie were the same size as my chest. Maya and Bubbie ate dog food. Maya and Bubbie slept on the couch or on the floor. Maya knew how to rough house. I would like to teach my pets to play tag. I would like to sleep with them. I got Maya and Bubbie before I was born.

Molly's Pet Story

My pet is a dog. He is a black lab. My pet’s name is Sampson. His fur feels soft. He is as big as the top of my leg. He eats dog food. He sleeps beside my mom’s bedside. He can jump. I would like to teach him to bring back the ball in the game of fetch. I would like to go to the park with him. I got him by my dad’s old job. He is an awesome dog.

Ed's Pet Story

My pet is a dog. Its name is Wolfy. He is orange. He feels soft. He is as big as a chair. He eats grass. He sleeps in a cage. He knows to sit. I would like to teach him to do a back flip. I like to wrestle with him. My grandpa gave him to me. I like to lay with him a lot of the time. I like to give him his bone at night. I love him.

Rohyn's Pet Story

My pets are cats. Their names are Sandy, Socks and Isis. I feed them cat food. Sandy sleeps with me. Isis and Socks jump on the counter. My mom and dad throw the cats off. Socks has white feet. Sandy has yellow fur. Isis I do not know. My pets have fur. It feels fluffy and wet. They are about the size as my leg. My cats sleep everywhere. My cats can jump. I would like to teach my cats to play fetch. I like to pet my cats. We bought Sandy and Socks. Isis lived next door, and one day she moved in. Now, we have three nice cats.

Haley's Pet Story

I have a cat. Her name is Butterscotch. She is a very mean and cute cat. I will be laying on the couch, and she will jump up and scratch my face, and bite it too. She will chase me up and down the stairs, but I love her. Butterscotch’s bed is right next to mine. Butterscotch is a pretty long name so I call her Butter or B-scotch. Her bed is a basket with a blue froggy blanket. Some times I give her a cat treat. Her food is in the pantry. She hisses at the dog. I got her when I was 5 years old. Once when Haiden slept over at my house, I had a dream catcher on my light switch and there was a table under it. B-scotch jumped on the table and pulled the dream catcher and put the light on! Wow, what a cat!

Sean's Pet Story

My pet is a cat. Its name is Wiggler. I feed it cat food. I would pet it. It plays fetch with me, and I don’t know why. It is black and white. Its skin covering is fur. My pet’s fur feels like fluff. It is as big as my knee. It eats cat food. It sleeps everywhere. It can stand on its hind legs to jump. I would like to teach it to play fetch. My dad got it when he was a kid.

Izabella's Pet Story

I had a cat. I named her Turtle. It was a girl. I miss her very much. My cat was afraid of me when I was little. My cat was a tortoise shell cat. She loved to be picked up. She was very soft. She was small because she was a kitten. She ate cat food. Turtle slept with me. She could stand up by herself. I would like to teach her to walk on her feet. I played with her every day. I played throw the toy mouse. I got Turtle when I was 1 year old as I got picked up from my old daycare. When I got into the car, I saw Turtle. She was a great pet.

The End.

Angus' Pet Story

My pet is a dog. My dog’s name is Fancy. She is cute. I feed her dog food. She likes to ride in the car. She is black and brown. Fancy has fur and it feels soft. Fancy is about the same size as one and a half desks. I would feed her dog food. She sleeps in my mom’s bedroom. She can roll over. I would like to teach her to play soccer. I like to play keep-away with her. Some nice people gave us Fancy. She is a great pet.

Rosel's Pet Story

I have a dog. It is a boy. His name is Cooper. He likes to play tug-a-war, fetch and he likes to be chased. He used to bite and scratch you, but now he does not. He has spots and he is soft and smooth. He is a puppy, but he is the size of a grown-up dog. He eats dog food. He sleeps in a dog bed in my mom and dad’s room, and in the morning if he makes noise, he sleeps in his kennel. My pet can run really fast. I like to play tug-a-war with it. I got my pet from a shelter. I would want to teach it how to jump through a hool-a-hoop.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Week of 9/28/09

Hello Families,

It was wonderful seeing most of you at Open House last Wednesday. I did not write a newsletter last Friday, so I will try to give you some of the highlights of the last two weeks. First of all, we are finished with the computer testing.

In our literacy block, we finished the chapter book of the Next-Door Dogs. The main character, Sara, a girl about 10 years old, overcame her fear of dogs through an act of kindness towards her new neighbor. The children thought the ending was very satisfying. During read aloud since completing the chapter book, we have enjoyed the following picture books: "The Dog Who Had Kittens", "Two Bobbies", "McDuff Moves In", "Who Wants Arthur?", "The Bookshop Dog", and "I Am the Cat, I Am the Dog". Ask your child to tell you about these stories. In our reading groups, we are reading the Henry and Mudge series. Most children have also completed a writing piece about their own pet, or a pet they once had, or a pet they wish for. I am hoping to get these posted to our blogsite with pictures of their drawings very soon.

In math, we are learning about fact families, and how subtraction and addition are related processes. By the end of next week, the children should be ready to take the test for this first unit.

In science, we learned how seeds travel by wind, other animals, or by hitchhiking. We also examined a soaked lima bean seed to discover what is inside a seed. Some of our seeds sprouted, so we can observe new growth each day.


Since we have only four days of school next week, we will not have a spelling test or spelling homework. Instead, I will send math homework. This will be good practice for the end of the unit test. Please assist your child with the math, and check over their answers.

Many thanks for your involvement and support.