Tuesday, September 22, 2009

More Pictures of Working and Playing

Here are a few more pictures of those children that were absent on my September 12th posting. I hope to have some of their own writing and art work up for you to see soon.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Week of 9/14/09

Hello Families,

Most of the children have been in class this week, which has given us time to catch up on missed work and activities. I will send home this weekend any work that has not yet been completed due to your child's absence. I thank you in advance for helping them with directions, and for providing any support needed.

Here is information about regular weekly homework. It will come home in your child's homework folder ( bright orange) on Monday or Tuesday of each week. At this point, the work is focused on spelling. There will always be a list of words for your child to practice and study for the week. This list stays at home as a study guide for the week. Please help your child practice these words each week. Other worksheets need to be completed and returned by Friday of each week. Of course, these can be turned in earlier. I only ask that you check over the work with your child to insure it is completed and correct. In this manner, I can be assured that the time spent on the homework was of value. Again, I thank you for your involvement and support.

Here are some highlights from this week. In literacy, we are reading all about Henry, the boy and his dog Mudge. Some of us are reading about another dog named Danny. We have almost completed our first read aloud chapter book called, " The Next-Door Dogs. Our writing has been linked to both of these readings. Many of the children are earning marbles in the jar each day for completing their writing assignments. In math, we are learning how to write subtraction sentences, and how to show our thinking using drawings and real objects. We are also finding some time to work on automatic recall of facts with the rocket math program. In science, we have begun planting six kinds of seeds: kidney bean, corn, sunflower, lima bean, garbanzo, and white bean. Our experiment is too see if a seed that was soaked in water will sprout and grow faster than one that was not soaked. We are also curious to see which ones will grow at all. Thus far, the garbanzo bean has sprouted first.
On Tuesday, we went on a scavenger hunt on the edge of the soccer field to look for wild seeds. This event was led by a teacher from the Harris Center of Hancock. We collected an amazing array of seeds, which we will be sorting next week.



Saturday, September 12, 2009

Working and Playing

Our second week has flown by. We have been working hard to earn a little free choice time by filling up the marble jar. Here are a few pictures of the children enjoying their reward as they play with legos, draw, or just visit with one another.
Many have been absent this week with sore throats, stomach ailments, and low grade fevers. I am hoping to have everyone back next week.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Our First Week: A New Year

It has been a very busy first week to begin our year. As I mentioned in my opening letter, we have a large group consisting of 14 girls and 11 boys. I thank you for responding on the volunteer forms. I may be calling you sometime over the long weekend so that I could start next Tuesday having you come in to help.

Overall, we have had a great first week. The children have shown excellent behavior and are making good progress towards learning the routine and my expectations. This is a wonderful group of children, and I'm truly looking forward to the year. We have spent some of our time getting to know one another. We have shared responses to discover how we are alike and different.

In literacy, we enjoyed two picture books about Boomer, the dog. We read "Boomer Goes to School" and "Boomer's Big Surprise". I also began to read aloud a chapter book called "The Next Door Dogs". The children have had guided lessons in writing answers to comprehension questions about the chapter book. In this way, I have gained a better understanding of their writing skills. They have also had time to use many materials for partner and independent use of word skills. We have just started the first page of our spelling books. Spelling homework will be coming home next Tuesday which will be due back by next Friday. Our first spelling test will be next Friday.

In math, we completed the first two lessons with a focus on joining groups and writing addition sentences based on story problems or visual sets of groups. You will see some samples of these math lessons in your child's take home folder. The children have also been practicing number writing to increase their speed and accuracy. We will start Rocket Math next week which is a program for learning math facts to 18 with automatic recall.

In science, we started a unit on seeds and plants. You will be hearing more about this as we begin to explore how seeds differ from one another. Hopefully, next week we will begin a few planting experiments.

If you have internet access, check out our classroom site by going to mrsbluhmsclassroom.blogspot.com